Digital Transformation - Converting Data into Solutions

Digitization - Customer OnboardingKYCChatbotLoan OriginatorLoyaltyProximity MarketingLocation Intelligence

Data standardization is the key to digital transformation. We analyze the front-end products and back-end processes and transform the experiences with the help of technology and power of data standardization.

Digital Transformation Banking
UBL Technology Partner
Efu New

We focus on bringing value and solve business challenges through the delivery of modern IT services and solutions


Fetch Sky is an emerging leader in the Enterprise Applications and IT Services. With a strong focus on frameworks for information availability and analysis, Fetch Sky is developing centers of excellence for each of its service areas, ranging from ERP Systems to Mobile Solutions and E-Commerce Marketplaces


Our Products

Peekaboo Connect is a solution designed especially for the Banks and other financial institutions & companies to handle the dynamic data on the digital mediums

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Peekaboo Connect

Peekaboo Connect is a solution designed to handle the dynamic data on digital mediums.

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Consumer Finance

A module to digitize the end-to-end consumer finance application process on all the platforms.

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Geofencing is a location-based service that uses GPS to define geographical boundaries and set alerts.

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Digital Loyalty System

The Loyalty System allows the companies to offer a loyalty program on their digital platforms.

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Promotional Management System

The system is designed to completely automate the discount and promotion process.

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Now businesses can support their customers over any of their favourite communication channels.

Peekaboo Guru - B2C Portal

A Location Based Lifestyle Guide

Everyone is looking to save money and the market is responding to this need by providing discounts. Discounts are either offered by

Brands/Merchants themselves or Bank who have issued credit cards or Insurance Companies or Telcos or a voucher company like Bogo.

Peekaboo Guru basically collects all the information from these discount providers and ensures availability on the app. Peekaboo solved the problem of who is offering what, when, and where?

Peekaboo itself does not provide any discounts. Simply put, Peekaboo is a location-based lifestyle app that allows users to explore nearby places, find discounts and deals as well as access different third part services on one platform such as food ordering, ticket booking, ride booking, doctor’s appointments, etc so that they do not have to download multiple standalone apps.

Our Partnerships

Collaborations & technology partnerships

infobip whatsapp chatbot
Devrims Managed Cloud Hosting
monit internet of things
UBL Technology Partner


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